SATA Theatre
Get the latest info on what‘s happening in the group:
Sun 2nd
And so it begins... Maleficium - a story of the Pendle Witches, coming June 2025
SATA Maleficium act one script page
Rehearsals are well underway for our new performance written and directed by Tony Balmer, with returning actors and new members joining us for 2025.
Sun 1st
Another pantomime over - what did you think?
The full cast at Saturday's performance
Well, that's our pantomime done for 2024 (aww... No it's worse than that, AWWWWW), and what a show it was!
Tue 26th
Costumes, lighting, music - I think we've got a Pantomime!
Is that you Granny?
Everything starts to come together when you add some dress rehearsal magic.
Sun 17th
Only 11 days to go until opening night... Oh yes it is!
Red Riding Hood programme, ready to print
Scenery - check. Costumes - check. Energetic song and dance routines - well, erm...
Sat 2nd
Well, that was quick!
Red Riding Hood cast
Saturday's matinee performance of Red Riding Hood is now completely sold out.
Thu 24th
Monday was scenery hunting & building night
Scenery hunting and building night
Climbing under the stage for hidden shelves and applying a lick of paint here and there.
Sun 6th
A full run through of Act One already??
Red Riding Hood blog poster
Six rehearsals in and it's time to have a full run through of act one already.
Sat 31st
Red Riding Hood - Panto Starts Here
Chorus Call
Can it be September already ? Surely not ? Oh Yes it can !
Fri 31st
Maskerade Final Performance
Our Magnificent Cast
Well that all worked ...
Mon 20th
Maskerade ... only three days to go
Publicity Shot
Only three days to go before the first performance of Maskerade and it was dress rehearsal this weekend ..